It's Our 14th Birthday!


Guess who turns 14 this weekend!?!

When I started Sick On Sin back in 2005 I had NO idea that I'd still be doing it in 2019! It honestly doesn't feel like it's been 14 years - time sure flies when you're making tees & pressing pins!

It would not have been possible to reach this milestone without the love and support from all our customers and fans around the world. HUGE thank you and high fives to everyone who has ever bought stuff, said kind words to us, promoted us, etc. these last 14 years. You're all amazing! Thank you to all the fellow small business owners who I've connected with over the years. T
hank you to my family and friends (especially my mom!) who have helped me at events. And of course, the biggest thank you to my partner Michael who draws ALL our designs and assists in so many other ways!

I'm so incredibly grateful - as without you all I would not be sitting here typing this. Thank you. <3


A birthday is a time for festivities - so let's get the party started!

1. SALE:

First, it wouldn't be a birthday without a Birthday Sale! Get up to 30% off your order by using one of the following coupon codes:

Get 20% off orders up to $50 with code: BIRTHDAY20
Get 25% off orders over $50 with code: BIRTHDAY25
Get 30% off orders over $100 with code: BIRTHDAY30


The coupon codes expire Tuesday December 3 (11:59 pm EST) so don't delay - come do some shopping!  

 Sick On Sin is 14!




a) Mmmm one of my fave things about the holiday season is gingerbread cookies!  Thought I'd share the cookie love - in a cute and crumb-free way! All orders over $14 made between Nov 30 - Dec 25 will receive a FREE large magnet featuring this new Devil Cookie as a special gift. (This sweet lil' guy is limited edition and not avail. to purchase on its own.)

 Devil Gingerbread Cookie by Sick On Sin




What's a birthday celebration without games and prizes! We are running giveaways on both the Sick On Sin Facebook page and the Sick On Sin Instagram page where I'm giving away sets featuring 14 of my fave designs!  Contests close Dec 3.

So be sure to follow both those accounts (if you don't already) and enter the giveaways! 

Sick On Sin Birthday Giveaways


Thank you again to everyone who has shown us love over the last 14 years. It's been a fun and interesting ride! I'm not quite sure what the future holds for SOS - however there are some much needed changes that will be made (both to keep it fresh and to keep my flame for it lite). I am excited to see what the next year holds and what cuteness we will release into the world! :D 

Now if you excuse me, I have cake to eat!


P.S. Just a reminder that mail at this time of year takes longer - so if you were looking to do some holiday shopping, please get your order in asap!

Sick On Sin Holiday Shipping Dates 


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